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Heart for Survivors (H4S) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit established with the mission and purpose to provide compassionate, Christ-centered care for those who have experienced abuse--domestic, sexual, cultic, ritual.

This we do through helping with things such as:

~ Physical needs that have arisen from the abuse (such as rent payment, material provision, medical care and medications, and trauma-care professionals).

~ Emergency needs related to the abuse (such as moving, car repairs, and getting established in employment).

~ Spiritual needs (through means such as Christ-centered spiritual coaching).

~ Education for abuse survivors (about abuse, its effects, and other related topics).    

Heart for Survivors was born out of seeing the needs in the lives of abuse survivors, helping them both financially and by other means, and then inviting others to help financially as well.

Copyright 2023 Heart for Survivors. Heart for Survivors is a 501(c)3 nonprofit accepting donations for the care of abuse victims and survivors.